I am new to jenkins . I am trying to deploy php codes to production server via "Publish over ssh" plugin . I enabled it in "post-build actions". Everything is fine but transfer is too slow [ 2 hours for 40MB transfer] Here is the scenario:
- Entire project is setup in local.Total size is nearly 700MB.
- All codes pushed to BitBucket.
- Now i configured build in Jenkins with "Send build artifacts over ssh " as post-build option.Inside transfer set i added " **/*. * " for source file option .
- It is taking hours and hours to transfer entire project . Within 2 hours it transferred only 140MB.
Is it normal ? Do i need to change any settings? Network connections between the server in which Jenkins runs and the production server is fine .
"rsync over ssh " solved the problem of code transfer to production server.Now its taking only 2-3 seconds for a build.