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Full Calendar: Coloring events using IF statement

I have a calendar based upon tickets opened by the site administrator. We have four type of tickets:

  1. Pending
  2. In process
  3. Finished
  4. Cancelled

This is the div in which I have the calendar:

<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-10 col-sm-11">
   <div class="card">
      <div class="card-header" data-background-color="blue">
         <h4 class="title">Calendario</h4>
      <section class="content">
            $events = TicketData::getEvents();
                foreach($events as $event){
                    $thejson[] = array("title"=>$event->title,"url"=>"./?view=editticket&id=".$event->id,"start"=>$event->date_at."T".$event->time_at);
            // print_r(json_encode($thejson));
            $(document).ready(function() {
                    header: {
                        left: 'prev,next, today',
                        center: 'title',
                        right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
                    editable: false,
                    eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
                    events: <?php echo json_encode($thejson); ?>

         <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12">
               <div id="calendar">

The database structure for the tickets is simple: id, title, description, date_at, time_at, created_at, tecnico_id and status_id.

I would like to "colorize" the events using an if script:

This is the code I have, however it doesn't work.

<section class="content">
            $events = TicketData::getEvents();
              // $status->status_id;
                foreach($events as $event){
                    $thejson[] = array("title"=>$event->title,"url"=>"./?view=editticket&id=".$event->id,"start"=>$event->date_at."T".$event->time_at,);
                $thejsonColor[] = array($event->status_id);
            // print_r(json_encode($thejson));
            $(document).ready(function() {
                    header: {
                        left: 'prev,next, today',
                        center: 'title',
                        right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
                    editable: false,
                    eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
                    events: <?php echo json_encode($thejson); ?>,
                if ($thejsonColor=1){
                  eventColor: 'fb8c00'
                }else if ($thejsonColor=2){
                  eventColor: 'ff0'
                } else if ($thejsonColor=3){
                  eventColor: '43a047'
                } else {
                  eventColor: '00acc1'

This is the calendar generated. These are the colors.

I want to make them match the color criteria, so the user has an idea of which tickets are the ones that are pending, incomplete, complete and cancelled. I'm a newbie to javascript and I don't know how to make this. Can you guys help me or point me on how I should do this?


  • You could set the color as you iterate through the array of events:

        // helper function to pick the right color
        function getColor($id) {
            $eventColor = '';
            if ($id == 1) {
                $eventColor = '#fb8c00';
            } else if ($id == 2) {
                $eventColor = '#ff0';
            } else if ($id == 3) {
                $eventColor = '#43a047';
            } else {
                $eventColor = '#00acc1';
            return $eventColor;
        $events = TicketData::getEvents(); //pulls the events from TicketData.php
        foreach($events as $event) {
            $thejson[] = array(
                "title" => $event->title,
                "url" => "./?view=editticket&id=".$event->id,
                "start" => $event->date_at."T".$event->time_at,
                "color" => getColor($event->status_id));

    Then just echo the events like you are doing now:

            $(document).ready(function() {
                    header: {
                        left: 'prev,next, today',
                        center: 'title',
                        right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
                    editable: false,
                    eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
                    events: <?php echo json_encode($thejson); ?>,