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How to add custom items with default items in Context Menu of handsontable

I tried to use handsontable and want to add custom items to context menu.

There are many tutorials to implement custom menus, but it ignores the default items.

So I added keys of all items, but some of them don't work.

My setting is like follows.

var basicSettings = {
    minRows: 1,
    minCols: 1,
    rowHeaders: false,
    colHeaders: false,
    hiddenColumns: true,
    contextMenu: {
        items: {
            row_above: {},
            row_below: {},
            "hsep1": "---------",
            col_left: {},
            col_right: {},
            "hsep2": "---------",
            remove_row: {},
            remove_col: {},
            "hsep3": "---------",
            undo: {},
            redo: {},
            "hsep4": "---------",
            make_read_only: {},
            "hsep5": "---------",
            alignment: {},
            "hsep6": "---------",
            copy: {},
            cut: {},
            "paste": {
                name: 'Paste',
                callback: function (key, option) {
            "hsep7": "---------",
            mergeCells: {
                name: "Merge"
            "hsep8": "---------",
            // Custom menu item to set color of cells
            set_color: {
                key: "color",
                name: "Color",
                "submenu": {
                    "items": [
                            key: "color:1",
                            "name": "Black",
                            callback: function(key, options) {
                                for (var i = options[0].start.row; i <= options[0].end.row; i ++){
                                    for (var j = options[0].start.col; j <= options[0].end.col; j ++){
                                        this.getCell(i, j).className = "color-black";
                        }, {
                            key: "color:2",
                            "name": "White",
                            callback: function(key, options) {
                                for (var i = options[0].start.row; i <= options[0].end.row; i ++){
                                    for (var j = options[0].start.col; j <= options[0].end.col; j ++){
                                        $(this.getCell(i, j)).removeClass("color-*").addClass("color-white");
                        }, {
                            key: "color:3",
                            "name": "Red",
                            callback: function(key, options) {
                                for (var i = options[0].start.row; i <= options[0].end.row; i ++){
                                    for (var j = options[0].start.col; j <= options[0].end.col; j ++){
                                        this.getCell(i, j).style.backgroundColor = "red";
    manualRowResize: true,
    manualColumnResize: true,
    contextMenuCopyPaste: {
        swfPath: '/bower_components/zeroclipboard/dist/ZeroClipboard.swf'
    copyPaste: true,
    mergeCells: true,
    search: true,
    stretchH: 'all',
    autoColumnSize: {useHeaders: true},
    autoRowSize: {syncLimit: 300},
    width: 1000,
    height: window.innerHeight - 100,
    licenseKey: "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx"

Menu looks like this.

Current Menu

Question 1:

Is there any way to add custom item with all the default menu items? If so, I don't need answers to Question 3 and Question 4.

Question 2:

The most important part that let me ask this question is custom menu, that is "set_color". After clicking "Black" or "Red", it turns into that color, but after I change value of a cell, it turns back. How can I prevent the cells from turning their background color back?

Questions 3:

I want additional custom item besides all feature enabled. But I can't find proper key for "Merge" item. The current "Merge" function works so strangely. How to make the function works correctly?

Question 4:

I tried to implement paste functionality, but I see this error.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'triggerPaste' of undefined

Please help me with those handsontable usage. Thanks in advance.


  • For Question 1:

    Is there any way to add custom item with all the default menu items? If so, I don't need answers to Question 3 and Question 4.

  • Initialize Handsontable with contextMenu set to a true. Example:

        example3 = document.getElementById('example3'),
      settings3 = {
        data: [...],
        rowHeaders: true,
        colHeaders: true,
        contextMenu: true // set to `true`..
      hot3 = new Handsontable(example3, settings3);

  • Then update the contextMenu setting like this:

      let cm = hot3.getPlugin('ContextMenu');
        contextMenu: {
            // Clone the pre-defined items and add your custom items.
          items: Object.assign({}, cm.itemsFactory.predefinedItems, {
            'hsep1': '---------',
            'set_color': {
                key: 'color',
                name: 'Color',
              submenu: {
                items: [{
                  key: 'color:red',
                  name: 'Red',
                  callback: setCellColor
                }, {
                  key: 'color:blue',
                  name: 'Blue',
                  callback: setCellColor

  • For Question 2:

    The most important part that let me ask this question is custom menu, that is "set_color". After clicking "Black" or "Red", it turns into that color, but after I change value of a cell, it turns back. How can I prevent the cells from turning their background color back?

    I'm not sure how to prevent that; however, here's one way to restore the color (or any other custom/meta data..) of the appropriate cells.

      // This is my callback for the 'set_color' context menu items.
      // Sample `key`: 'color:red'
      function setCellColor(key, opt) {
        let color = key.substring(6);
        for (let i = opt[0].start.row; i <= opt[0].end.row; i++) {
          for (let j = opt[0].start.col; j <= opt[0].end.col; j++) {
            this.getCell(i, j).style.color = color;
            this.setCellMeta(i, j, 'color', color); // Save the color
      // Listen to the `beforeRenderer` event, and restore the cell's color
      // before the "renderer" starting rendering the cell
      Handsontable.hooks.add('beforeRenderer', function(td, r, c, p, pv, cp){
        if (cp.color) {
   = cp.color;
      }, hot3);


    Try the full example here:, which is based on

    For the Paste functionality:

  • Load SheetClip():

    <script src=""></script>

  • Add the necessary variables:

    let clipboardCache = '';
    const sheetclip = new SheetClip();

  • Add the necessary callbacks:

      settings3 = {
        afterCopy: function(changes){
            clipboardCache = sheetclip.stringify(changes);
        afterCut: function(changes){
            clipboardCache = sheetclip.stringify(changes);
        afterPaste: function(changes){
            clipboardCache = sheetclip.stringify(changes);

  • Add the context menu item:

      let cm = hot3.getPlugin('ContextMenu');
        contextMenu: {
            // Clone the pre-defined items and add your custom items.
          items: Object.assign({}, cm.itemsFactory.predefinedItems, {
            'paste': {
                name: 'Paste',
              disabled: function(){
                return clipboardCache.length === 0;
              callback: function(){
                var plugin = this.getPlugin('copyPaste');

  • More details on and demo on — or which comes with a "Clear clipboard" functionality.