I am trying to make flashcards by setting the text to white, the same color as the background, and then when i press the button, it turns to black, which shows the text. I cannot use getElementsByClass
, I can only use getElementById
. Each answer needs to have a unique id. It would be ideal to use a radio button instead of a button, like a check box, something that could turn on and off with just a check instead of two buttons.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Book Title</title>
.answer {
border-style: solid;
border-color: #287EC7;
color: white;
<h3> Flashcards </h3>
<p class="question">
The first question
<div id="bash_start">
<p class="answer">
The first answer
function myShowtext() {
document.getElementById("bash_start").style.color = 'white';
function myHidetext() {
document.getElementById("bash_start").style.color = 'black';
<br />
<label>Check Answer:</label>
<button onclick="myShowText(bash_start)">Show Answer</button>
<button onclick="myHideText(bash_start)">Hide Answer</button>
<p class="question">
The second question
<div div="bash_pass">
<p class="answer">
The second answer
function myHidetext() {
document.getElementById("bash_pass").style.color = 'white';
function myHidetext() {
document.getElementById("bash_pass").style.color = 'black';
<br />
<label>Check Answer:</label>
<button onclick="mySshowTextFunction(bash_pass)">Show Answer</button>
<button onclick="myhideTextFunction(bash_pass)">Hide Answer</button>
Corrected your code with few syntax mistakes and added optimized function with a checkbox to toggle the flash.
function toggleAnswer(elem) {
var color = 'white';
if (elem.checked) {
color = 'black';
document.getElementById(elem.value).style.color = color;
.answer {
border-style: solid;
border-color: #287EC7;
color: white;
<h3> Flashcards </h3>
<p class="question">
The first question
<p class="answer" id="bash_start">
The first answer
<label>Check Answer:</label>
<input type="checkbox" value="bash_start" onclick="toggleAnswer(this)">
<p class="question">
The second question
<p class="answer" id="bash_pass">
The second answer
<label>Check Answer:</label>
<input type="checkbox" value="bash_pass" onclick="toggleAnswer(this)">
Hope it will help!