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Prevent browser from making the same async calls as the server

I am following this tutorial: which i think is the 'standard' way of doing server side rendering in react (?).

Basically what happens is i use react router (v4) to make a tree of all the components that are about to get rendered:

const promises ={ route }) => {
    return route.component.fetchInitialData
        ? route.component.fetchInitialData(store.dispatch)
        : Promise.resolve();

Wait for all those promises to resolve and then call renderToString.

In my components i have a static function called fetchInitialData which looks like this:

class Users extends React.Component {
    static fetchInitialData(dispatch) {
        return dispatch(getUsers());
    componentDidMount() {
    render() {

export default connect((state) => {
    return { users: state.users };
}, (dispatch) => {
    return bindActionCreators({ getUsers }, dispatch);

And all this works great except that getUsers is called both on the server and the client.

I could of course check if any users are loaded and not call getUsers in componentDidMount but there must be a better, explicit way to not make the async call twice.


  • After getting more and more familiar with react i feel fairly confident i have a solution.

    I pass a browserContext object along all rendered routes, much like staticContext on the server. In the browserContext i set two values; isFirstRender and usingDevServer. isFirstRender is only true while the app is rendered for the first time and usingDevServer is only true when using the webpack-dev-server.

    const store = createStore(reducers, initialReduxState, middleware);

    The entry file for the browser side:

    const browserContext = {
        isFirstRender: true,
        usingDevServer: !!process.env.USING_DEV_SERVER
    const BrowserApp = () => {
        return (
            <Provider store={store}>
                    {renderRoutes(routes, { store, browserContext })}
        <BrowserApp />,
    browserContext.isFirstRender = false;

    USING_DEV_SERVER is defined in the webpack config file using webpack.DefinePlugin

    Then i wrote a HOC component that uses this information to fetch initial data only in situations where it is needed:

    function wrapInitialDataComponent(Component) {
        class InitialDatacomponent extends React.Component {
            componentDidMount() {
                const { store, browserContext, match } = this.props;
                const fetchRequired = browserContext.usingDevServer || !browserContext.isFirstRender;
                if (fetchRequired && Component.fetchInitialData) {
                    Component.fetchInitialData(store.dispatch, match);
            render() {
                return <Component {...this.props} />;
        // Copy any static methods.
        hoistNonReactStatics(InitialDatacomponent, Component);
        // Set display name for debugging.
        InitialDatacomponent.displayName = `InitialDatacomponent(${getDisplayName(Component)})`;
        return InitialDatacomponent;

    And then the last thing to do is wrap any components rendered with react router with this HOC component. I did this by simply iterating over the routes recursively:

    function wrapRoutes(routes) {
        routes.forEach((route) => {
            route.component = wrapInitialDataComponent(route.component);
            if (route.routes) {
    const routes = [ ... ];

    And that seems to do the trick :)