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Is the Iterable Object from the ServiceLoader oredered?

I have a pretty simple question, but i can't manage to find the correct answer.

So in my project i have an abstract class "JmjrstPlugin", from which some other plugins inherit. I'm using javas ServiceLoader to find all of the plugin classes like followed:

public static Iterable<JmjrstPlugin> getPlugins() {   
     return ServiceLoader.load(JmjrstPlugin.class);

To my question: Is the Iterable Object i recieve from this function oredered. (The JmjrstPlugin implements the Comparable interface and has a working compareTo method).

PS: the project is currently in a state which makes it impossible for me to test it right now.


  • Javadoc of ServiceLoader says:

    The only requirement enforced by this facility is that provider classes must have a zero-argument constructor so that they can be instantiated during loading.

    That means it doesn't care whether your implementation classes implement Comparable, or not.

    Also, a Set is generally an unordered collection, unless explicitly specified otherwise. The javadoc doesn't specify, so it is unordered.