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HTML5 DVR not working -- SourceBuffer removed from parent element


I'm attempting to create a rudimentary "DVR" for an HTML5 video element by utilizing MediaRecorder, MediaSource, and SourceBuffer. At the moment this is just a proof of concept. However since many projects like HLS.js take advantage of the HTML5 video element, I believe this would have wide-spread value.


Here's the gist of my code:

    <video id="src-video" src="http://localhost:8080/video/source.mp4" autoplay></video>
    <video id="dvr-video"></video>
    <input id="seekbar" type="range" min="-120" max="0" value="0" />
    var mr; // MediaRecorder
    var ms = new MediaSource();
    var srcBuf; // SourceBuffer
    var srcUrl = URL.createObjectURL(ms);
    var srcVid = document.getElementById("src-video");
    var dvrVid = document.getElementById("dvr-video");
    var dvrData = []; // array of ArrayBuffer
    var queue = [];

    ms.addEventListener("sourceopen", sourceOpen);
    srcVid.addEventListener("playing", setupMediaRecorder);
    dvrVid.src = srcUrl;

    var seekBar = document.getElementById("seekbar");
    seekBar.addEventListener("change", function(e) {
        // Destroy the old media source and make a new one
        srcBuf = null;

        ms = new MediaSource();
        ms.addEventListener("sourceopen", sourceOpen);
        srcUrl = URL.createObjectURL(ms);

        dvr = document.createElement("video");
        body.insertBefore(dvr, seekBar);

        dvr.src = srcUrl;

    function sourceOpen()
        // Create the source buffer
        if (!srcBuf)
            srcBuf = src.addSourceBuffer('video/webm; codecs="opus,vp8"');
            srcBuf.mode = "sequence";

        srcBuf.addEventListener('updateend', function() {
            if ( queue.length ) {
            } else {
        }, false);

        // Add all fragments in cache
        var start = dvrData.length + parseInt(seekBar.value);
        queue = [];
        for( var i = start; i < dvrData.length; i++ )
            if (dvrData[i])
        if (queue.length)

    function setupMediaRecorder()
        var stream = srcVid.captureStream()
        mr = new MediaRecorder(stream);
        mr.ondataavailable = function(e) {
            // Convert the Blob to an ArrayBuffer
            var fileReader = new FileReader();
            fileReader.onload = function() {
                // Append this ArrayBuffer to our playing video
                if (srcBuf)
                    if (srcBuf.updating || queue.length)
                // And to our historical array (for seeking purposes)
                if (dvrData.length > 120) {
                    // Keep only 2 minutes of data
                    dvrData.splice(0, 1);
        // Record 1-second chunks
        setInterval(function() {
        }, 1000);


When the page first loads, the "live" video element begins to play, and 1 second later the "dvr" element begins to play - with a 1-second delay. So it seems to be working at first.

The moment I perform a seek, the dvr element goes black and I get the following error in the console (line number may not match exactly with code above):

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'appendBuffer' on 'SourceBuffer': This SourceBuffer has been removed from the parent media source.
at SourceBuffer.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8080/video/dvr.html:80:13)

Looking at chrome://media-internals for further details, I see the following for the DVR player:

| Timestamp   | Property       | Value
| 00:00:00 00 | origin_url     | http://localhost:8080/
| 00:00:00 00 | frame_url      | http://localhost:8080/video/dvr.html
| 00:00:00 00 | frame_title    |
| 00:00:00 00 | url            | blob:http://localhost:8080/cec4134a-4498-43c5-8321-3743761636ac
| 00:00:00 00 | info           | ChunkDemuxer: buffering by DTS
| 00:00:00 00 | pipeline_state | kStarting
| 00:00:00 03 | error          | Unexpected element ID 0xa3
| 00:00:00 03 | error          | Append: stream parsing failed. Data size=112300 append_window_start=0 append_window_end=inf
| 00:00:00 08 | pipeline_error | CHUNK_DEMUXER_ERROR_APPEND_FAILED
| 00:00:00 10 | pipeline_state | kStopping
| 00:00:00 10 | pipeline_state | kStopped

The Unexpected element ID 0xa3 seems to be the culprit. Although for some reason this error wasn't thrown when the page first loaded (I'm appending the same ArrayBuffers to my SourceBuffer, so if they didn't throw this error before I don't know why they're throwing it now)

Looking up 0xa3 with respect to the WEBM format, it sounds like this refers to a "SimpleBlock" -- -- I don't know why this would throw an error?

Things I've tried

  • Since it takes a moment for the initial video to start playing, I thought there may be a race condition in setting up the MediaSource. I added a 1-second delay after seeking before creating the new MediaSource, SourceBuffer, etc. This did not help
  • I thought there may be errors if the first chunk loaded didn't contain a keyframe, so I increased the chunk size from 1 second to 10 seconds
  • I've tried various source files (MKV, MOV, MP4, RTMP stream, WebRTC stream, etc)
  • I've tried destroying the entire video element and re-creating it
  • In case the SourceBuffer is somehow modifying the ArrayBuffers when they're played, I tried appending copies instead of the original objects (srcBuf.appendBuffer(queue.shift().slice(0));)
  • I've tried switching between segment and sequence modes on the SourceBuffer
  • In case the DVR element was playing the instant I created a SourceBuffer (before I had data) and entering a "media complete" state, I tried pausing the DVR element

So far I haven't had any luck getting DVR to work correctly. What am I missing?


  • I've got it

    After a lot more experimentation I finally figured out the issue.

    WEBM files are effectively binary-encoded XML files. The schema looks something like this:


    The way I was reading the data, the first block contained all of the header information (EBML data, segment data, tracks, timecode, etc) and all later chunks were just a stream of <Cluster> and <SimpleBlock> tags (with an odd <Timecode> every now and then)

    Ultimately what I had to do was build a rudimentary demuxer to parse through the EBML file and extract the header information. Then whenever I performed a seek, this header information was injected into the buffer before any video data.

    My Advice

    Don't bother. MSE is terrible and this was a 72 hour nightmare. Save yourself the headache.