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C program skipping printf and scanf statements

My program below conducts a Caesar's cipher in C. For some reason, after a message has been input by the user, the printf(" \nEnter key:") and scanf("%d", &key) statements get "jumped" over. My thought was something related to the input buffer having a char and newline entered causing the jump (hence the fflush attempt). How do I prevent this behavior?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    char message[50], ms;
    int i, key, choice;

    printf("Enter 1. to Encrypt, or 2. to Decrypt: ");
    scanf(" %d", &choice);

    printf("Enter a message to process: ");
    scanf(" %c", message);
    printf(" \nEnter key:");
    scanf("%d", &key);

    for (i = 0; message[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
        ms = message[i];
        if (ms >= 'a' && ms <= 'z' && choice == 1) {
            ms = ms + key;
            if (ms >= 'a' && ms <= 'z' && choice == 2) {
                ms = ms - key;
                if (ms > 'z') {
                    ms = ms - 'z' + 'a' - 1;
            message[i] = ms;
        } else
        if (ms >= 'A' && ms <= 'Z' && choice == 1) {
            ms = ms + key;
            if (ms >= 'A' && ms <= 'Z' && choice == 2) {
                ms = ms - key;
            if (ms > 'Z') {
                ms = ms - 'Z' + 'A' - 1;
            message[i] = ms;
        if (choice == 1) {
            printf(" \nEncrypted message: %s", message);}
        else if (choice == 2) {
            printf(" \nDecrypted message: %s", message);}


  • @ddisec I have noted 3 mistakes in your code .

    First your scanf(" %c", message); .Here you have to use %s (String).

    Second the result printing statements should be outside for-loop.

    Third putting if(ms >= 'a' && ms <= 'z'&& choice == 2) inside if (ms >= 'a' && ms <= 'z' && choice == 1) dose not make any sense.

    Try this corrected code:-

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main()
        char message[50], ms;
        int i, key, choice;
        printf("Enter 1. to Encrypt, or 2. to Decrypt: ");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
        getchar();                                              // to handle unwanted newline.
        printf("Enter a message to process: ");
        scanf("%49[^\n]", message);
        printf(" \nEnter key:");
        scanf("%d", &key);
        for (i = 0; message[i] != '\0'; ++i)
            ms = message[i];
            if (ms >= 'a' && ms <= 'z' && choice == 1)
                ms = ms + key;
            else if (ms >= 'a' && ms <= 'z' && choice == 2)
                ms = ms - key;
            else if (ms > 'z')
                    ms = ms - 'z' + 'a' - 1;
            else if (ms >= 'A' && ms <= 'Z' && choice == 1)
                ms = ms + key;
            else if (ms >= 'A' && ms <= 'Z' && choice == 2)
                ms = ms - key;
            else if (ms > 'Z')
                ms = ms - 'Z' + 'A' - 1;
            message[i] = ms; // Only single modification code needed.
        if (choice == 1)
            printf(" \nEncrypted message: %s", message);
        else if (choice == 2)
            printf(" \nDecrypted message: %s", message);