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Passing shared variable after login with Laravel 5.5

i created a method in order to share datas with all views of my application.

For this i created a class EntityRepository where i store the datas I want to share with all views.

Those data are displayed in the layout NOT the view.

class EntityRepository
    use App\Valuechain;

    public function getEntities()
        $vcs = Valuechain::select('', 'lang_valuechain.vcname', 'lang_valuechain.vcshortname')
            ->join('lang_valuechain', '', '=', 'lang_valuechain.valuechain_id')
            ->join('langs', 'lang_valuechain.lang_id', '=', '')
            ->where('langs.isMainlanguage', '=', '1')
        return $vcs;

When I want to send datas to the methods I simply call the getEntities() method... For example :

public function index(EntityRepository $vcs)
    $entitiesLists = $vcs->getEntities();

    // My code here ...
    return view('admin.pages.maps.sectors.index', compact('entitiesLists', 'myVars'));

In this specific case it works fine and i don't have issue. My issue concerns the landing page after login.

In the loginController :

I defined the redirectTo variable this way :

public $redirectTo = '/admin/home';

For specific reasons I had to override the authentificated() method in the LoginController in order to check if my app is configured or need to be setup ...

protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)

    $langCount = Lang::count();
    if ($langCount == 0) {
        return redirect()->to('admin/setup/lang');
    else {
        //return redirect()->to('admin/home');
        return redirect()->action('BackOffice\StatsController@index');

The concerned index() method is sending the variable onto the view :

public function index(EntityRepository $vcs)
    $entitiesLists = $vcs->getEntities();
    return view('admin.home', compact('entitiesLists'));

Whatever the return i make i have error message...

Undefined variable: entitiesLists (View: C:\wamp64\www\network-dev\resources\views\admin\partials\header-hor-menu.blade.php)


  • I finally solved this issue by changing my routes :

    Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function () {
        Route::get('/', function (){
            $checkAuth = Auth::guard('admin')->user();           
            if ($checkAuth) {
                return redirect('/admin/main');
            else {
                return redirect('admin/login');

    In my loginController i changed :

    public $redirectTo = '/admin/home';

    to :

    public $redirectTo = '/admin/main';

    Finally :

    protected function authenticated(Request $request, $user)
        $langCount = Lang::count();
        if ($langCount == 0) {
            return redirect()->to('admin/setup/lang');
        else {
            return redirect()->to('admin/main');