Can I have a type-safe union (As in C's union
) in Haskell? This is the best I tried, here Variant
, named after C++'s std::variant
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Emulation.CPlusPlus.Variant (
Variant, singleton
) where
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
data Variant :: [*] -> * where
Singleton :: a -> Variant (a ': as)
Arbitrary :: Variant as -> Variant (a ': as)
singleton :: (Not (bs == '[]) || a == b) ~ 'True => forall a b. a -> Variant (b ': bs)
singleton x = case eqTypeRep (typeRep :: TypeRep a) (typeRep :: TypeRep b) of
Nothing -> Arbitrary (singleton x)
Just HRefl -> Singleton x
This produces error message as follows:
Prelude> :load Variant.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Emulation.CPlusPlus.Variant ( Variant.hs, interpreted )
Variant.hs:19:14: error:
• Could not deduce: (Not (bs == '[]) || (a0 == b0)) ~ 'True
from the context: (Not (bs == '[]) || (a == b)) ~ 'True
bound by the type signature for:
singleton :: forall (bs :: [*]) a b.
((Not (bs == '[]) || (a == b)) ~ 'True) =>
forall a1 b1. a1 -> Variant (b1 : bs)
at Variant.hs:19:14-85
The type variables ‘a0’, ‘b0’ are ambiguous
• In the ambiguity check for ‘singleton’
To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
In the type signature:
singleton :: (Not (bs == '[]) || a == b) ~ True =>
forall a b. a -> Variant (b : bs)
19 | singleton :: (Not (bs == '[]) || a == b) ~ True => forall a b. a -> Variant (b ': bs)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
I don't get how such ambiguity emerges.
The conventional names for the constructors are Inl
and Inr
import Data.Kind
data Sum :: [Type] -> Type where
Inl :: a -> Sum (a : as) -- INject Left
Inr :: !(Sum as) -> Sum (a : as) -- INject Right
The extra strictness in Inr
is optional. Consider Either a b
. This type has the values undefined
, Left undefined
, and Right undefined
, along with all the other ones. Consider your Variant [a, b]
. This has undefined
, Singleton undefined
, Variant undefined
, and Variant (Singleton undefined)
. There is one extra partially-undefined value that does not arise with Either
. Inr
's strictness squashes Inr undefined
and undefined
together. This means you cannot have a value with only a "partially known" variant. All strictness annotations in the following are for "correctness." They squash out bottoms in places where you probably don't want bottoms.
Now, the signature of singleton
, as pointed out by @rampion, has a use-before-definition error. It "ought" to be:
singleton :: forall a b.
(Not (bs == '[]) || a == b) ~ True =>
a -> Variant (b ': bs)
But that isn't quite right. If a ~ b
, great, this works. If not, there is no way for the compiler to ensure that a
is in bs
, because you haven't constrained for that. This new signature still fails. For the most power, especially for future definitions, you'll want something like
-- Elem x xs has the structure of a Nat, but doubles as a proof that x is in xs
-- or: Elem x xs is the type of numbers n such that the nth element of xs is x
data Elem (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) where
Here :: Elem x (x : xs)
There :: !(Elem x xs) -> Elem x (y : xs) -- strictness optional
-- boilerplate; use singletons or similar to dodge this mechanical tedium
-- EDIT: singletons doesn't support GADTs just yet, so this must be handwritten
-- See
data SElem x xs (e :: Elem x xs) where
SHere :: SElem x (x : xs) Here
SThere :: SElem x xs e -> SElem x (y : xs) (There e)
class KElem x xs (e :: Elem x xs) | e -> x xs where kElem :: SElem x xs e
instance KElem x (x : xs) Here where kElem = SHere
instance KElem x xs e => KElem x (y : xs) (There e) where kElem = SThere kElem
demoteElem :: SElem x xs e -> Elem x xs
demoteElem SHere = Here
demoteElem (SThere e) = There (demoteElem e)
-- inj puts a value into a Sum at the given index
inj :: Elem t ts -> t -> Sum ts
inj Here x = Inl x
inj (There e) x = Inr $ inj e x
-- try to find the first index where x occurs in xs
type family FirstIndexOf (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) :: Elem x xs where
FirstIndexOf x (x:xs) = Here
FirstIndexOf x (y:xs) = There (FirstIndexOf x xs)
-- INJect First
-- calculate the target index as a type
-- require it as an implicit value
-- defer to inj
injF :: forall as a.
KElem a as (FirstIndexOf a as) =>
a -> Sum as
injF = inj (demoteElem $ kElem @a @as @(FirstIndexOf a as))
-- or injF = inj (kElem :: SElem a as (FirstIndexOf a as))
You can also just stick an Elem
inside Sum
data Sum :: [Type] -> Type where
Sum :: !(Elem t ts) -> t -> Sum ts -- strictness optional
You may recover Inl
and Inr
as pattern synonyms
pattern Inl :: forall ts. () =>
forall t ts'. (ts ~ (t : ts')) =>
t -> Sum ts
pattern Inl x = Sum Here x
data Inr' ts = forall t ts'. (ts ~ (t : ts')) => Inr' (Sum ts')
_Inr :: Sum ts -> Maybe (Inr' ts)
_Inr (Sum Here _) = Nothing
_Inr (Sum (There tag) x) = Just $ Inr' $ Sum tag x
pattern Inr :: forall ts. () =>
forall t ts'. (ts ~ (t : ts')) =>
Sum ts' -> Sum ts
pattern Inr x <- (_Inr -> Just (Inr' x))
where Inr (Sum tag x) = Sum (There tag) x
If you try some more, you can use huge amounts of unsafeCoerce Refl
(to create "bogus" type equalities) to create an API like this:
import Numeric.Natural
-- ...
type role SElem nominal nominal nominal
-- SElem is a GMP integer
-- Elem is a nice GADT
-- Elem gives a nice experience at the type level
-- this allows functions like FirstIndexOf
-- SElem avoids using unary numbers at the value level
newtype SElem x xs e = SElem Natural
pattern SHere :: forall t ts e. () =>
forall ts'. (ts ~ (t:ts'), e ~ (Here :: Elem t (t:ts'))) =>
SElem t ts e
pattern SThere :: forall t ts e. () =>
forall t' ts' e'. (ts ~ (t':ts'), e ~ (There e' :: Elem t (t':ts'))) =>
SElem t ts' e' ->
SElem t ts e
-- implementations are evil and kinda long
-- you'll probably need this:
-- type family Stuck (k :: Type) :: k where {- no equations -}
-- pattern synonyms are incredibly restrictive, so they aren't very straightforward
-- currently GHC does not allow INLINEs on pattern synonyms, so this won't
-- compile down to simple integer expressions just yet, either :(
And then write
data Sum :: [Type] -> Type where
Sum :: forall t ts (e :: Elem t ts). !(SElem t ts e) -> t -> Sum ts
which is close to a struct
of an integer tag and a union
, except said tag is a bit oversized.