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How do I UrlEncode a group match value using Regex.Replace in C#

I am using a regular expression in my c# code that matches some content urls using Regex.Replace. I think I have the pattern the way I need it to match correctly. I am using the '$1' group value syntax to create the new string. The problem is, I need to UrlEncode the value provided by '$1'. Do I need to loop through the matches collection or can I still use Regex.Replace? Thanks for your help.

Regex regex = new Regex(@"src=""(.+?/servlet/image.+?)""");

// value of $1 needs to be Url Encoded!
string replacement = @"src=""/relative/image.ashx?imageUrl=$1""";
string text1 = @"src=""""";
string text2 = @"src=""""";
text1 = regex.Replace(text1, replacement);
    text1 output:
    imageUrl param above needs to be url encoded

text2 = regex.Replace(text2, replacement);
    text2 output:
    imageUrl param above needs to be url encoded


  • Regex.Replace() has an overload that takes in a MatchEvaluator delegate. This delegate takes in the Match object and returns the replacement string. Something like this should work for what you want.

    regex.Replace(text, delegate(Match match)
        return string.Format(@"src=""/relative/image.ashx?imageUrl={0}""", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(match.Groups[1].Value));