I've been looking everywhere for a method that changes the default tab "All" into a label of one's choosing in the search results.
So far this is what I found, from "How to trigger specific Google Custom Search Engine refinement label?", but I don't think it's for my specific purpose.
var customSearchOptions =
{ 'defaultToRefinement' : 'refinement_label_name' };
var customSearchControl =
new google.search.CustomSearchControl('YOUR_CSE_ID', customSearchOptions);
I also stumbled upon a post, with an unrelated topic, that seemed to have accomplished it - just run the code snippet and click the search button to see what I mean:Google site search catch search submit and trigger function - I've played around with it and found that it relates to engine ID which is: '017643444788069204610:4gvhea_mvga' in that example.
How can you change the default 'all' tab into something else while still being able to have other tabs?
I seemed to have solved this problem with CSS.
div > div.gsc-tabHeader:nth-child(1) {
visibility: hidden;
div > div.gsc-tabHeader:nth-child(1):after {
content: "Insert_NewTab_Name";
visibility: visible;
.gsc-tabHeader.gsc-tabhActive:after {
border: 1px solid Insert_border_color;
border-bottom-color: #fff !important;
padding: 7px;
visibility: visible;