I wanted to navigate to a URL using queryParams
while Routing in Angular.
<a routerLink='/master' [queryParams]="{query:'%US',mode:'text'}"><li (click)="search()">Search</li></a>
The URL I wanted to navigate is:
But when I click on search it navigates me to:
I do not know why 25
is appended after the %
symbol. Can anyone tell me a cleaner way to navigate correctly.
In URLs, the percent sign has special meaning and is used to encode special characters. For example, = is encoded as %3D.
Certain special characters are not allowed in url. If you want to use those in url you have to encode them using encodeURIComponent javascript function. %25 is actually encoded version of % character. Here browser is encoding them itself.
When trying to get queryParams from url , you can decode them using decodeURIComponent.
For more information check : https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/969869/certain-special-characters-are-not-allowed-in-the-url-entered-into-the