I am trying to create a program to compare a specific thing on a webpage, and then compare it another time, I'm currently working on getting the piece of information that will change. But, the text that would change appears if I inspect element in the page, but not if I use open-uri, it comes in as "Loading..." (see picture), is there a way to get all the HTML text?
This is the current code I have
contents = open('https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/l-Used-Mazda-MAZDASPEED6-d841', &:read)
File.open("testing.txt", "w") do |line|
line.puts "\r" + "#{contents}"
Any help to get the Loading... to change to the actual HTML code would be amazing.
So, open uri just makes HTTP requests and gives you access to the body. In this case, the body is html. That html has a placeholder for this data, which is what you're seeing. Then that html says to load up some javascript that will make another request to the server to get the data, and when the data comes in, it will replace the placeholder with the real data. So, to handle this, you ultimately need whatever is coming back from that request the javascript is making.
Ordered from my least favourite to my most favourite.
So, I was curious and went ahead and tried solution number 3 myself, and it worked pretty admirably, check it out:
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
# build a post request to the URL that the page got the data from
uri = URI 'https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/inventorylisting/ajaxFetchSubsetInventoryListing.action?sourceContext=untrackedExternal_true_0'
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri)
# set some headers
req['origin'] = 'https://www.cargurus.com' # for cross origin requests
req['cache-control'] = 'no-cache' # no caching, just in case,
req['pragma'] = 'no-cache' # we prob don't want stale data
# looks like you can pass it an awful lot of filters to use
"page"=>"1", "zip"=>"", "address"=>"", "latitude"=>"", "longitude"=>"",
"distance"=>"100", "selectedEntity"=>"d841", "transmission"=>"ANY",
"entitySelectingHelper.selectedEntity2"=>"", "minPrice"=>"", "maxPrice"=>"",
"minMileage"=>"", "maxMileage"=>"", "bodyTypeGroup"=>"", "serviceProvider"=>"",
"filterBySourcesString"=>"", "filterFeaturedBySourcesString"=>"",
"displayFeaturedListings"=>"true", "searchSeoPageType"=>"",
"inventorySearchWidgetType"=>"AUTO", "allYearsForTrimName"=>"false",
"daysOnMarketMin"=>"", "daysOnMarketMax"=>"", "vehicleDamageCategoriesRaw"=>"",
"minCo2Emission"=>"", "maxCo2Emission"=>"", "vatOnly"=>"false",
"minEngineDisplacement"=>"", "maxEngineDisplacement"=>"", "minMpg"=>"",
"maxMpg"=>"", "minEnginePower"=>"", "maxEnginePower"=>"", "isRecentSearchView"=>"false"
# make the request (200 means it worked)
res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true) { |http| http.request req }
res.code # => "200"
# parse the response
require 'json'
json = JSON.parse res.body
# we're on page 1 of 1, and there are 48 results on this page
json['page'] # => 1
json['listings'].size # => 48
json['remainingResults'] # => false
# apparently we're looking at some sort of car or smth
json['modelId'] # => "d841"
json['modelName'] # => "Mazda MAZDASPEED6"
# a bunch of places sell this car
json['sellers'].size # => 47
json['sellers'][0]['location'] # => "Portland OR, 97217"
# the first of our 48 cars seems to be a deal
listing = json['listings'][0]
listing['mainPictureUrl'] # => "https://static.cargurus.com/images/forsale/2018/05/24/02/58/2006_mazda_mazdaspeed6-pic-61663369386257285-152x114.jpeg"
listing['expectedPriceString'] # => "$8,972"
listing['priceString'] # => "$6,890"
listing['daysOnMarket'] # => 61
listing['savingsRecommendation'] # => "Good Deal"
listing['carYear'] # => 2006
listing['mileageString'] # => "81,803"
# none of the 48 are salvaged or lemons
json['listings'].count { |l| l['lemon'] } # => 0
json['listings'].count { |l| l['salvage'] } # => 0
# the savings recommendations seem reasonably distributed
json['listings'].group_by { |l| l["savingsRecommendation"] }.map { |rec, ls| [rec, ls.size] }
# => [["Good Deal", 4],
# ["Fair Deal", 11],
# ["No Price Analysis", 23],
# ["High Price", 8],
# ["Overpriced", 2]]