I have been using this construct to set the current group after opening a terminal at a compute server:
newgrp project1_group << ANYCODE
cd ~/WORK/project1_rundir
bsub xterm &
After executing this script, new terminal is opened at a compute server, in the specified project rundir, and the primary group is set correctly. It works just fine...
Now I would like to set an environment variable at a compute server using the same construct:
export POLICYFILE=~/WORK/project1_rundir/.policyfile << ANYCODE
cd ~/WORK/project1_rundir
bsub xterm &
It doesn't do anything, not even a terminal is opened.
Does anyone have an explanation, why does newgrp
work and export
Is there a way to make this work (not necessarily using the heredoc)?
The problem is solved (even better, without heredoc)...
The final solution is implemented as follows:
cd ~/WORK/project1_rundir
bsub -I -env "all, POLICYFILE=~/WORK/project1_rundir/.policyfile" xterm &