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How to match multiple patterns on single EPL query

I have two different match recognize patterns created in Esper event processing language, when I run these one by one they are working fine but I need to get result from both of these patterns on incoming events. The patterns are defined as below.


match_recognize( "
measures A as a, B as b "
pattern (A B) "
define "
A as A.scene= 'stock'and A.activity='assembly' and A.task='picking' and A.mod2='FT' and A.mod3='Scn', 
B as B.scene='stock' and B.activity='assembly' and B.task='picking' and B.mod2='PG' and B.mod3='GzS')


measures A as a, B as b, C as c 
pattern (A B C) 
A as A.scene= 'assembly'and A.activity='assembly' and A.task='moving' and A.mod2='GrS' and A.mod3='GzS', 
B as B.scene='assembly' and B.activity='assembly' and B.task='moving' and B.mod2='GrT' and B.mod3='Follow', 
C as C.scene='assembly' and C.activity='assembly' and C.task='moving' and C.mod2='GrT' and C.mod3='GzS')

I need to get result when any one of these patterns is matched with incoming events on a single query.


  • ok so what is the problem? You simple create them both and add a listener to each and its all done.

    First example:

    String epl = "@name('first') select ... from ...;\n";
    epl += "@name('second') select ... from ...;\n";
    epAdministrator.getStatement('first').addListener(new MyListener());
    epAdministrator.getStatement('second').addListener(new MyListener());

    Another example:

    EPStatement first = epAdministrator.createEPL(...);
    first.addListener(new MyUpdateListener());
    EPStatement second = epAdministrator.createEPL(...);
    second.addListener(new MyUpdateListener());