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Intercept all function entry and exit points without third-party components

I have a java program. I would like to intercept every function entries and exits and log them, without changing the existing (~5k) function bodies.

I know AspectJ and Spring AOP are suitable for that. But unfortunately, I am not allowed to use them on the target system (this is not my decistion).

One possibility would be to use following:

void func()

    // here stuff


How can I achieve this without any third-party component/tool (this is very important!) without needed to insert these mentioned extra traces? Is there any Java interface/abstract class or any other method/possibility that can be used for this purpose? Or any event handler/subsriber etc.?

As I googled, I found only third-party solutions for this.

What the best soultion would be, if an abstract class with a 2 abstract functions that is called if functions of the from it extended classes' methods are called. Like this:

public abstract class InterceptFunctionCalls
    // here the internal stuff that call the following methods below

    protected abstract void EnteredFunction(String func);
    protected abstract void ExitedFunction(String func);


  • Is there any Java interface/abstract class or any other method/possibility that can be used for this purpose?

    No... That's why some third-parties decided to show up and provide for the need. Java as the unextended language isn't trying to offer AOP.