I am using NVD3 for showing a line chart. I have this line chart as follows:
chart: {
type: 'lineChart',
height: 150,
margin : {
top: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 40,
left: 55
x: function(d){ return d.x; },
useInteractiveGuideline: true,
"xAxis": {
showMaxMin : false,
function (d) {
var x = globalFactory.getCalendarConstants().dateMap.weekDayShortLabels
return x[d] },
showLegend : false,
It removes the Y-Axis
but the space of Y-axis
is not Utilized. I want to use up that space.
Is their any solution to it?
You can try adjusting the margins (see below), though you may have to play with it a bit to get that spaced out the way you want it.
margin : {
top: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 40,
left: 0