P S : May be this question has already been asked but I tried a lot and also I'm not using the pointer with vector. If the solution is that, please tell me how to use pointer here.
My Question: I'm creating a vector of Car
class instances and used getter
and setter
methods to retrieving and pushing new records inside it. Even I'm editing that records also but I don't know how to delete particular record! I have put the code in comments which I tried by myself. could someone help me to remove/erase the particular record/ instance of the class, from this vector?
Thanks in advance.
#include "Car.h"
#include "global.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
int cid =1;
string Name;
float Price;
//In this function I want to delete the records
void deleteCarVector( vector<Car>& newAllCar)
int id;
cout << "\n\t\t Please Enter the Id of Car to Delete Car Details : ";
cin >> id;
//replace (newAllCar.begin(), newAllCar.end(),"a","b");
unsigned int size = newAllCar.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(newAllCar[i].getId() == id)
cout << "Current Car Name : "<<newAllCar[i].getName() << "\n";
// Here Exactly the problem!
// delete newAllCar[i];
// newAllCar.erase(newAllCar[i].newName);
// newAllCar.erase(remove(newAllCar.begin(),newAllCar.end(),newAllCar.at(i).getId()));
cout << endl;
[...]How can I "remove/erase" the particular record from vector class object?
You have your answer in your question itself: you need erase–remove idiom to remove the Car
objects from your std::vector<Car>
, according to the key/id you provide.
carVec.erase(std::remove_if(carVec.begin(), carVec.end()
, [&id_to_delete](const Car& ele) {
return ele.getnewId() == id_to_delete;
c++20 Updates
C++20 ensures a uniform container erasure semantics for all standard containers.
Using std::erase_if (std::vector)
, the OP's code would look like:
std::erase_if(carVec, [&id_to_delete](const auto& ele) {
return ele.getnewId() == id_to_delete;