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Combining 2 vectors to 1 vector based on specified rules in R

I have to vectors with the same length [1:216] and I would like to combine them into 1 vector based on some rules.

Rationale: I have obtained both vectors from scraping a page for a description. Now, the description is placed in a box that has no unique name and appears in 2 different places (thus also 2 different selector gadget identifiers) across all my observations. I have scraped both locations and created 2 variables from them, which I now want to combine to 1 vector.

This is how the vectors look at the moment:

[1] Description 1
[2] NA 
[3] Description 3

[1] ""
[2] Description 2
[3] "" 

Thus, my code needs to specify, if NA or "" then take observation from other vector, otherwise use description from this vector. How can I do that I R?

My output should look like this:

[1] Description 1
[2] Description 2
[3] Description 3

Many thanks in advance!


  • Kindly go through the following solution:

    vect_1=c("Description 1",NA,"Description 3")
    [1] "Description 1" NA              "Description 3"
    vect_2=c("","Description 2","")
    [1] ""              "Description 2" ""             
    vect_3=c()                     # Create an empty vector
    for(i in 1:length(vect_1)){
      if([i])){        # If value in vect_1 is NA
      vect_3=c(vect_3,vect_2[i])   # Look into vect_2
     else{                         # Else
     vect_3=c(vect_3,vect_1[i])    # Copy value from vect_1
    vect_3                         # Print vect_3
    [1] "Description 1" "Description 2" "Description 3"

    Hope it is easier for you to understand.