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ggmap geocode function returning NA's

I have a dataset of the locations of various Tim Horton coffee shops within the USA. I applied the mutate_geocode() function to my dataset that contains 740 rows to get the latlon coordinates. I was able to successfully geocode 591 rows and returned NA's in 149 rows.

My geocode function code looks like this:

newdataset <- mutate_geocode(dataset, fullAddress, source = "google")

A sample/subset csv of the results that are NA are below

"109 Bennett Dr , Caribou , ME 4736",NA,NA
"1201 S Main St , Ann Arbor , MI 48104",NA,NA
"2679 Ann Arbor Saline Rd , Ann Arbor , MI 48103",NA,NA

I have gone through many of my NA's and can't figure out why the output of mutate_geocode() would be NA. If I copy paste the addresses into google maps I get the result I am looking for. The source of the geocode data comes from Google! I was going to ignore this and move on with the locations that were successfully geocoded but I can't/don't want to let this go. Does anyone have any insight why the geocode function is behaving this way?

Thank you!


  • Removing the spaces before the commas might help:

    dataset <- read.table(text ="fullAddress
    '109 Bennett Dr, Caribou, ME 4736'
    '1201 S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104'
    '2679 Ann Arbor Saline Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103'",
    stringsAsFactors = F, header = T, quote = "'", sep = ",")

    If I call mutate_geocode() on the first row I get the desired results:

                           fullAddress      lon      lat
    1 109 Bennett Dr, Caribou, ME 4736 -68.0041 46.86837

    If you keep getting geocode failed with status OVER_QUERY_LIMIT errors, then check this other question: Getting OVER QUERY LIMIT after one request with geocode