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How to stop a setInterval fired by mouseenter, upon mouseleave?

I've managed to get arrows which scroll the overflow of a div on mouseenter to work. The problem is that the script not only doesn't stop on mouseleave, but prevents to scroll the div opposite side manually.


function scroll_right() {
        var elmnt = document.getElementsByClassName("thumbnails")[0];
            elmnt.scrollLeft += 50;
        var timer = setInterval(scroll_right, 300); 

function kill() {

And the arrow

<img class="arrow" 

My idea was that scroll_right function gets fired on mouseenter, and the timer inside of it, gets deactivated on mouseleave.


  • The timer is set every time the scroll_right function runs. There will be infinitely many timer running at the some time after a while. You can try using setTimeout function instead of the below one. Also, the scope of timer is limited to the function in your code.

    var timer = undefined;
    function scroll_right() {
      var elmnt = document.getElementsByClassName("thumbnails")[0];
      elmnt.scrollLeft += 50;
      if (!timer) {
        timer = setInterval(scroll_right, 300);
    function kill() {
      if (timer) {
        timer = undefined;
    <div class="thumbnails" onmouseenter="scroll_right()" onmouseleave="kill()" style="width:150px;overflow:auto">
      <img class="arrow" src="" width="500px">