In a request to the Reddit API, there is a field associated with each post called edited
. This field either has a boolean
value or if a post has been edited, has a long
value which I think is the timestamp of when the post was edited. How can I deserialize this with GSON without knowing the type? If I try to deserialize into a Boolean
value I get an exception if a timestamp is present.
Image below of JSON response:
Annotating the dynamic field with @JsonAdapter
is probably the easiest way to work around this (assuming you have a DTO class):
final class Datum {
final Long edited = null;
Where MaybeLongTypeAdapter
is as follows:
final class MaybeLongTypeAdapter
extends TypeAdapter<Long> {
private MaybeLongTypeAdapter() {
public void write(final JsonWriter out, final Long value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Long read(final JsonReader in)
throws IOException {
switch ( in.peek() ) {
case NULL:
return null;
if ( in.nextBoolean() ) {
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Unexpected `true` at " + in);
return null;
case NUMBER:
return in.nextLong();
throw new JsonSyntaxException("Unexpected element at " + in);
The type adapter above is pretty self-descriptive. It can be implemented in a more generic way, of course, but it's out of scope here. Additionally, please note that it does not pick the original Long
type adapter that can be re-configured in GsonBuilder
. Example of use:
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
private static final Type listOfDatumType = new TypeToken<List<Datum>>() {}.getType();
public static void main(final String... args) {
final String json = "[{\"edited\": false},{\"edited\": 1527130582}]";
final List<Datum> data = gson.fromJson(json, listOfDatumType);
for ( final Datum datum : data ) {