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Symfony 2.7 retrieve root directory ANYWHERE

I just want to ask if there's a way to retrieve the root directory of a Symfony Application ANYHWERE?

What I mean by anywhere is, in any file of my App.

I've searched everywhere and all I get is this:


Which of course works! But I can't use it in my custom classes. I need to get the root directory in one of my custom classes.

I've already read answers about DependencyInjection/Service and other stuff, but I think it's too complex/overkill to implement those just to solve my current problem.

I just want the root directory of my app, period. Is there any other way?


  • The simplest way I can think of is to define a constant in your app.php file, like this:

    define("ROOTDIR", $kernel->getRootDir());

    so you can then use this constant anywhere. Compared to this, a static method is overkill, too.