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How do you create a Reports diagram in Enterprise Architect?

I am trying to create a Reports diagram with a model document and report specification in Enterprise Architect. The embarrassing part of this is that I've done this before, but can't work out how I did it. And I didn't take notes which I probably should do since this is something like a once every 2 years task for me.

In an older EA project, I have model document w/ custom templates in a reports diagram that will generate a data dictionary. Works great and I want that same thing for an EA project for a different, unrelated project.

But I can seem to figure out the first step, which is that Reports Diagram.

I am using version EA 13.0.1307.

enter image description here


    1. Make sure you have the required MDG technology active.
      You need the Core Extentions MDG to be able to create documentation diagrams
    2. Create a Documentation Diagram
      When creating a new diagram select Extented from the left pane, and Documentation from the right pane

    Now the toolbox should show the elements you need to create your virtual document.