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Is there a way to make interface code run at runtime?

I am working on implementing event handling in a simplistic game engine that I am creating in Java. I am now struggling to figure out how I should register an object's event handlers. I am thinking that I might be able to make an interface that runs a line of code (public void registerListener(Object listener)) when the object is created. I am aware that interfaces cannot define a constructor, so I am seeking guidance as to how I should approach this. Right now, I have to call the previously mentioned line of code in the constructor of all the objects that have event handlers in them, and I think that using an interface or something similar to reduce repetition would be an ideal solution.

Below is the rest of the event-system code in case you would like to take a look. Thanks!

EventManager class:
In charge of maintaining the list of methods that will respond to an event. When registering a EventHandler, you pass a class in as the parameter, and it will find all methods with an @EventHandler() annotation and use the annotation value as the event type.

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

public class EventManager
    private HashMap<Class<? extends Event>, ArrayList<Method>> eventCallbackMap;

    public EventManager()
        this.eventCallbackMap = new HashMap<>();

    public void dispatchEvent(Event event)
        ArrayList<Method> callbacks = eventCallbackMap.get(event.getClass());

        if(callbacks == null)

        for(Method callback : callbacks)
            //TODO: Invoke Method

    public void registerListener(Object listener)
        for(Method method : listener.getClass().getMethods())
                Class<? extends Event> value = method.getAnnotation(EventHandler.class).value();

                    ArrayList<Method> callbacks = new ArrayList<>();

                    eventCallbackMap.put(value, callbacks);

Event class:
Very barebones abstract class that all custom events will extend from. I would appreciate if you could let me know how I can improve this class, I would appreciate that.

package events;

public abstract class Event
    public Event()

EventHandler class:
The annotation that defines a method as an event responding method.

package events;

import java.lang.annotation.*;

public @interface EventHandler
    Class<? extends Event> value();


  • Yes. You should use an interface, and not annotations. A very quick sample might look like this. It's just a code sketch, not sure whether it will compile. There's room for improvement but it's the basic idea:

    interface EventHandler
        Set<Event> eventTypes();
        void onEvent(Event event);
    interface Event
        // used as a marker interface, but probably add some methods
    enum MouseEvent implements Event
        //... and whatever else
    class OnClickEventHandler implements EventHandler
        public Set<Event> eventTypes()
            Set<Event> events = new HashSet<>();
            return events;
        public void onEvent(Event event)
            if (event == MouseEvent.ON_CLICK)
                System.out.println("Mouse clicked");
    class EventManager
        private final Map<Event, List<EventHandler>> handlers = new HashMap<>();
        public void registerListener(EventHandler handler)
            for (Event eventType : handler.eventTypes())
                handlers.putIfAbsent(eventType, new ArrayList<>());
        public void dispatchEvent(Event event)
            handlers.getOrDefault(event, Collections.emptyList())
                .forEach(handler -> handler.onEvent(event));