I have one problem to solve. I have two entities: Action
and Logging
public class Action {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private int id;
...other fields
...other fields
private Date start;
private Date end;
public class Logging {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private int id;
@JoinColumn(name = "action_id")
private Action action;
..not important fields
private String domain;
private Date date;
Only Logging table has a column action_id
One action can have multiple Logging records.
The question is: how can I delete all Action entities that have a date before a certain date and have a certain domain (which lies in a Logging table)? For example
deleteActionByDateAndDomain(LocalDateTime date, String domain)
Logging entity is the owner, right? So, Should I delete Action entity and then all related Logging entities by for example CASCADING? Or conversely - firstly remove all Logging entities which fulfill my conditions (date before dateX and domain == myDomain
passed as parameters)?
How would you implement it? I could, for example, delete Action entity and all related Logging entities but there is no field domain in Action entity (only in Logging).
If possible, I should use CrudRepository interface.
Thank you very much in advance!
You can specify the cascade type to cascade the delete operation by setting the attribute cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE
but this may cause you some headaches if not used correctly:
So, if you don't want these issues, you can manage the deletions manually. When you delete some record you will know what else needs to be deleted as a consequence. The advantage is that you have more control and you can optimize the process by creating bulk deletions if needed.