I want to send data which i have serialized over a TCP connection. I have created a client/server connection and am sending an Object after serializing it. However, I dont know how should i read the data.
here is the code snippet:
sendTo(String receiverAddr, int receiverPort,....., Object data) {
if (data != null) {
byte[] byteObj = programming5.io.Serializer.serializeBytes(data);
output.write(byteObj, 0, byteObj.length);
String hostname = somevalue;
int portNo = somevalue;
Hashtable <Integer, Integer> object = somevalue;
DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
int length = input.readInt();
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
Hashtable<Integer, Integer> recvObj = (Hashtable<Integer,Integer)programming5.io.Serializer.deserialize(bytes);
This is not working. I am getting the following exception:
invalid stream header: 07F8ACED java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header: 07F8ACED
Please tell me how should i go about this.
Use ObjectOutputStream
to write objects and ObjectInputStream
to read them.