I need to implement a password hashing mechanism for our system. I am using
for the purpose. I have made a small console application for the demo purpose. With the parameters I am using, Its taking my desktop56 ms
to generate the final hash.From the sources I have gone through, they mentioned the generation time of 100ms should be reasonably secured. Is it the correct assumption or should I make my generation slower? If yes, what parameters should I probably change?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
byte[] op = null;
op = GetPDKDF2("password", 20, 10000);
Console.WriteLine("total time: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
public static byte[] GetPDKDF2(string password, int saltSize, int iterationCount)
var pdf = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, saltSize, iterationCount);
return pdf.GetBytes(20);
The standard delay to aim for is, as you said, 100ms. The time taken to compute a hash with PBKDF2 is proportionate to the iteration count. With this in mind, you could probably just double your iteration count to get a delay of around 100ms.
I suggest you don't allow the iteration count to change, at least not as an argument to the function. Changing the iteration count in future, as hardware progresses, is a good idea, but you need to ensure the iteration count used is noted with the produced hash.
I'd use a constant value for the iteration count instead:
const int ITERATION_COUNT = 20000;
And use:
public static byte[] GetPDKDF2(string password, int saltSize)
var pdf = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, saltSize, ITERATION_COUNT);
return pdf.GetBytes(20);