I am new using the RapidJSON library and I want to know how I can access specific elements within an array in JSON format, this is the JSON:
"products": [
"id_product": 1,
"product_name": "Beer",
"product_price": 120.00
"id_product": 2,
"product_name": "Pizza",
"product_price": 20.00
I have this part of the code to make:
Document json_value;
json_value.Parse(json_message); //Above Json
const Value& a = json_value["products"];
for (SizeType i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++)
//Here i dont know how to access the elements of the array elements, but i need something like this:
int element_id = 1; //id_product = 1
string element_name = "Beer"; // product_name = "Beer"
float element_price = 120.00; //prodcut_price = 120.00
You can access the elements of the object using operator[]()
for (SizeType i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++)
if (a[i].IsObject()) {
int element_id = a[i]["id_product"].GetInt();
string element_name = a[i]["product_name"].GetString();
double element_price = a[i]["product_price"].GetDouble();
Please note that you might want to add checks for the type and existence of the member if your JSON is not always consistent.