Current setup: cometD servlet with jQuery cometd plugin.
Let's say i have a simple chat room that currently has 2 users (userA and userB) connected to it. When userB navigates away from the page, I need userA to be notified that userB has left the room. Is there a way to let userA know that userB left without using the unload
/** lets notify other users that currentUserId left **/});
After conducting lots of tests; the above code block is not reliable.
The only solution i can think of is using a setInterval where every 1 minute, the admin will loop through an array of connected user, then "pings" them to check whether or not they're still connected.
Any ideas? Should i use the setInterval polling technique?
For this who are interested.
You can register a "removeListener" method when a server expires a user's session.
client.addListener(new ServerSession.RemoveListener() {
public void removed(ServerSession session, boolean timeout){
Full code example: