I am attempting to create a 2D pixelation of the stanford dragon, which I'll later extend to a 3D voxelazation.
The ideal output looks like this:
This image is generated using the following geometry shader:
#version 440
layout (triangles) in;
layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices=136) out;
in vec3 v_pos[];
in vec3 v_norm[];
in vec2 v_uv[];
out vec3 f_pos;
out vec3 f_norm;
out vec2 f_uv;
void main()
vec3 side1 = v_pos[0] - v_pos[1];
vec3 side2 = v_pos[1] - v_pos[2];
vec3 tNorm = abs(cross(side1,side2));
for(uint i=0; i<3; i++)
f_pos = v_pos[i]/10;
f_norm = v_norm[i];
f_uv = v_uv[i];
if(tNorm.x>tNorm.y && tNorm.x>tNorm.z)
gl_Position = vec4(f_pos.y, f_pos.z, 0, 1);
else if(tNorm.y>tNorm.x && tNorm.y>tNorm.z)
gl_Position = vec4(f_pos.x, f_pos.z, 0, 1);
gl_Position = vec4(f_pos.x, f_pos.y, 0, 1);
And fragment shader:
#version 440
in vec3 f_pos;
in vec3 f_norm;
in vec2 f_uv;
uniform layout(binding=0, rgba8) image3D image;
out vec4 fragment_color;
void main()
imageStore(image, ivec3(f_pos.xy*50 + vec2(100),0), vec4(1,0,1,1));
fragment_color = vec4(1,1,1,0);
Howver this creates a really small dragon, the full texture that I created looks like this:
I thus tried to scale the dragon by a smaller factor to make a bigger image, this however results in the following image for a division factor of 3 (f_pos = v_pos[i]/3;
As you can see, most of the dragon is there, but there's a lot of holes.
I beleive this happens because some of the vertices calculated in the geometry shader end outside of the (-1,1) valid coordinate range and thus get discarded, creating the holes.
is there a way to instruct the shaders to not discard vertices outside of said range during rasterization?
Shaders do not discard vertices; the post-transform rendering stage does. It is a fundamental part of how rendering works, and you cannot simply turn it off if it is inconvenient.
You have to generate primitives that are within the bounds of clip-space. If you want the effect of a bigger clip space, then you have to scale things down before rasterization and reverse the scaling in your fragment shader.