I'm using etsy/statsd using the node.js.
I have created a config file too.
I'm starting statsD using: node node_modules/statsd/bin/statsd statsDConfig.js
To check I used: echo "foo:1|c" | nc -u -w0 8125
There is not much documentation how I could use it programatically. I want to utilize statsd to get the API calls count to the facebook made through a script.
I have done following steps:
I have bit knowledge about counters, sets, guages, etc. But when I require it in node.js code using :
Var statsd = require('statsd');
var start = Date.now();
retun AuthSerrver.auth(req.headers)
.then(function() {})
.finally(function() {
var latency = Date.now() -start;
statsd.histogram('auth.latency_ms', latency);
It gives me error like: "Error: Cannot find module 'statsd'" Whereas I can find the it in node_modules.
Any help on how to get it working would be appreciated. Any example would be a cherry on the cake.
Here's what you can do.
There is nothing wrong with the statsD installation.
Basically your syntax for using it is wrong.
I will share a slideshow that will guide you through the actual use of statsD.
You should check the StatsD docs.
Hope this helps you.