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A loop to create multiple data frames from a population data frame

Suppose I have a data frame called pop, and I wish to split this data frame by a categorical variable called replicate. This replicate consists out of 110 categories, and I wish to perform analyses on each data frame then the output of each must be combined to create a new data frame. In other words suppose it is replicate i then I wish to create data frame i and perform a logistic regression on i and save beta 0 for i. All the beta 0 will be combined to create a table with all the beta 0 for replicate 1-110. I know that's A mouth full but thanks in advance.


  • Since you didn't give some sample data I will use mtcars. You can use split to split a data.frame on a categorical value. Combining this with map and tidy from the purrr and broom packages you can create a dataframe with all the beta's in one go.

    So what happens is 1: split data.frame, 2: run regression model 3: tidy data to get the coefficients out and create a data.frame of the data.

    You will need to adjust this to your data.frame and replicate variable. Broom can handle logistic regression so everything should work out.

    my_lms <- mtcars %>%
      split(.$cyl) %>%
      map(~ lm(mpg ~ wt, data = .x)) %>%
      map_dfr(~ tidy(.))
             term  estimate std.error statistic      p.value
    1 (Intercept) 39.571196 4.3465820  9.103980 7.771511e-06
    2          wt -5.647025 1.8501185 -3.052251 1.374278e-02
    3 (Intercept) 28.408845 4.1843688  6.789278 1.054844e-03
    4          wt -2.780106 1.3349173 -2.082605 9.175766e-02
    5 (Intercept) 23.868029 3.0054619  7.941551 4.052705e-06
    6          wt -2.192438 0.7392393 -2.965803 1.179281e-02


    my_lms <- lapply(split(mtcars, mtcars$cyl), function(x) lm(mpg ~ wt, data = x))
    my_coefs <-, coef))
                        4         6         8
    (Intercept) 39.571196 28.408845 23.868029
    wt          -5.647025 -2.780106 -2.192438
    #Or transpose the coefficents if you want column results.
      (Intercept)        wt
    4    39.57120 -5.647025
    6    28.40884 -2.780106
    8    23.86803 -2.192438