I am using mongo-java2.4jar for communicating with the mongo server.
In my webapp i am using mongo=new Mongo("serverIp","port")
where ever it is required and once the processing is complete, I am closing the mongo connection using mongo.close()
But after some time I am getting following exception :
java.net.SocketException: Too many open files
I think when I close the connection it is not closing the sockets. Please help me out figuring this issue.
The Mongo class transparently does connection pooling and you should generally have only one instance per JVM process. Please look at http://api.mongodb.org/java/2.5-pre-/com/mongodb/Mongo.html
If you heavily create instances of this class i think you will acquire too many connections before they can be released. Just create a singleton on app startup for your whole application and place it in the application context. Call close only when your app stops.