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SQL Server 2008 - WHILE Loop

I have a problem that I can not solve, my final goal is to make a trigger that runs every time it is inserted in the 'factura' table and then fill an intermediate table that only has one field (varchar max), because ?, because I have a component in Java that reads this field and generates a file.txt that he later used, but I have a problem that I can not solve, I was seeing what could be with a cursor or better still with a while loop but I am entangled, the BD manager that I use is SQL Server 2008, the select query that I use to generate the data that will be filled in the intermediate table in the trigger, consists of two parts, the header and the details, which I seek to do is that it only shows one row per header, but since there are more than 1 detail in some cases it shows repeated rows.

This is my query:

    'CB' + '|' + CONVERT(varchar(10),(CONVERT(DATE, f.FECHA))) + '|' +
       '20601140897' + '|' + '03' + '|' +
       SUBSTRING(f.SERIE, 1, 2) + '0' + SUBSTRING(f.SERIE, 3, 2) + '-' + 
       REPLACE(STR(f.NUMERO, 8), SPACE(1), '0') + '|' + 
          WHEN f.CODIGO = '' THEN '99999999' 
          ELSE f.CODIGO 
       END + '|' + '0' + '|' +
          WHEN f.NOMBRE =''  THEN 'Clientes varios' 
          ELSE f.NOMBRE  
       END + '|PEN|' +
       CONVERT(varchar(13), (CAST(f.SUBTOTAL AS decimal(10, 2)))) + 
       '|0.00|0.00|' +
       CONVERT(varchar(13), (CAST(f.IMPUESTO AS decimal(10, 2)))) + 
       '|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|' +
       CONVERT(varchar(13), (cast(f.TOTAL as  decimal(10, 2)))) + '|0.00|0.00|' +
       'MONTO TOTAL' + '|||||||1000||||0.00|0.00|0.00||' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
  'DB' + '|' + 'NUMBER OF ROW' + '|' + d.PRODUCTO + '|' + 'NIU' + '|' + '1' + '|' +
     d.DESCRIPCIO + '|' + CONVERT(varchar(13),(ROUND((d.PRECIO/1.18), 2))) + '|' +
     CONVERT(varchar(13), (cast(d.PRECIO as decimal(10, 2)))) + '|' +
     CONVERT(varchar(13), (ROUND(((d.PRECIO/1.18) * 0.18), 2))) + '|10|0.00||' +
     CONVERT(varchar(13), (cast(d.TOTAL as decimal(10, 2)))) + '|0.00||0.00||'
    factura f 
    detalle d ON f.NUMERO = d.NUMERO 
    clientes c ON f.CODIGO = c.codigo

And this is what it shows:

CB|2017-10-08|20601140897|03|B001-00002224|000700323|0|Clientes varios|PEN|25.42|0.00|0.00|4.58|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|30.00|0.00|0.00|MONTO TOTAL|||||||1000||||0.00|0.00|0.00|| DB|NUMBER OF ROW|220|NIU|1|TODO EL DIA|8.47|10.00|1.53|10|0.00||10.00|0.00||0.00||

CB|2017-10-08|20601140897|03|B001-00002224|000700323|0|Clientes varios|PEN|25.42|0.00|0.00|4.58|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|30.00|0.00|0.00|MONTO TOTAL|||||||1000||||0.00|0.00|0.00|| DB|NUMBER OF ROW|230|NIU|1|10 MIN FIN DE SEMANA|16.94|20.00|3.06|10|0.00||20.00|0.00||0.00||

What I look for:

CB|2017-10-08|20601140897|03|B001-00002224|000700323|0|Clientes varios|PEN|25.42|0.00|0.00|4.58|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|30.00|0.00|0.00|MONTO TOTAL|||||||1000||||0.00|0.00|0.00|| DB|NUMBER OF ROW|220|NIU|1|TODO EL DIA|8.47|10.00|1.53|10|0.00||10.00|0.00||0.00|| DB|NUMBER OF ROW|230|NIU|1|10 MIN FIN DE SEMANA|16.94|0.00|3.06|10|0.00||20.00|0.00||0.00||

Somebody could help me? or give me a structure to be able to achieve it, please, I'd be really grateful.


  • Here is the query, which will append the detail data when there is an identical header data. Query is slow as it involves JOIN on string and large column, You can replace CTE with temp table and by adding index may give a better performance.

    ;WITH CTE AS (
        'CB' + '|' + CONVERT(varchar(10),(CONVERT(DATE, f.FECHA))) + '|' +
           '20601140897' + '|' + '03' + '|' +
           SUBSTRING(f.SERIE, 1, 2) + '0' + SUBSTRING(f.SERIE, 3, 2) + '-' + 
           REPLACE(STR(f.NUMERO, 8), SPACE(1), '0') + '|' + 
              WHEN f.CODIGO = '' THEN '99999999' 
              ELSE f.CODIGO 
           END + '|' + '0' + '|' +
              WHEN f.NOMBRE =''  THEN 'Clientes varios' 
              ELSE f.NOMBRE  
           END + '|PEN|' +
           CONVERT(varchar(13), (CAST(f.SUBTOTAL AS decimal(10, 2)))) + 
           '|0.00|0.00|' +
           CONVERT(varchar(13), (CAST(f.IMPUESTO AS decimal(10, 2)))) + 
           '|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|' +
           CONVERT(varchar(13), (cast(f.TOTAL as  decimal(10, 2)))) + '|0.00|0.00|' +
           'MONTO TOTAL' + '|||||||1000||||0.00|0.00|0.00||' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) HeaderData,
      'DB' + '|' + 'NUMBER OF ROW' + '|' + d.PRODUCTO + '|' + 'NIU' + '|' + '1' + '|' +
         d.DESCRIPCIO + '|' + CONVERT(varchar(13),(ROUND((d.PRECIO/1.18), 2))) + '|' +
         CONVERT(varchar(13), (cast(d.PRECIO as decimal(10, 2)))) + '|' +
         CONVERT(varchar(13), (ROUND(((d.PRECIO/1.18) * 0.18), 2))) + '|10|0.00||' +
         CONVERT(varchar(13), (cast(d.TOTAL as decimal(10, 2)))) + '|0.00||0.00||' DetailData
    FROM    factura f FULL JOIN    detalle d ON f.NUMERO = d.NUMERO 
            FULL JOIN    clientes c ON f.CODIGO = c.codigo
        select HeaderData+STUFF((SELECT '|'+ DetailData
                                 FROM CTE C
                                 WHERE C.HeaderData=T.HeaderData
                                 FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
        FROM CTE T
        GROUP BY HeaderData