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Class Module codes for Change Event of comboboxes

I have a userform where I put 10 rows of comboboxes for 7 columns. Which means I got 70 comboboxes altogether. To ease your understanding, I will refer the first combobox as (1,1) for (row,column).

What am I trying to do is, when a user input values on any combobox on Row 1, I want the values to be copied on its adjacent combobox at Row 2.

For example, if I select value on (1,3), same value will appear on (2,3). The same thing goes to Row 3 & 4, Row 5 & 6, and so on.

This is the code on my class module clsLineCopy:

Public WithEvents myCbo As msForms.ComboBox

Private Sub myCbo_Change()
    Dim i As Integer

    'MsgBox "Combo Box " & myCbo.Value & " has changed"
    If myCbo.Value <> "" Then
    End If
End Sub

This one is my code on my userform_initialize:

Dim myCommonCbo As New Collection
Dim cbo As clsLineCopy
For i = 1 To 70
    Set cbo = New clsLineCopy
    Set cbo.myCbo = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & i)
    myCommonCbo.Add Item:=cbo
Next i
Set cbo = Nothing

I know my code in the class module is wrong as I have no idea about it.

Thanks, Izz.


  • In my demo I named the Userform -> FormComboGrid

    Here are the changes you need:

    • Userform: Public CallBack method
    • Userform: Class level boolean variable used to prevent cascading CallBacks

    • myCommonCbo has to be elevated to a Class Level Variable. This keeps the references valid after the UserForm_Initialize finishes execution.

      • clsLineCopy should have an Init method used to pass a reference of the Userform instance and the Combobox that is being hooked.

    enter image description here


    Option Explicit
    Private myCommonCbo  As New Collection
    Private ComboBoxEventEnabled As Boolean
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Dim i As Long
        Dim cbo As clsLineCopy
        For i = 1 To 70
            Set cbo = New clsLineCopy
            cbo.Init Me, Me.Controls("ComboBox" & i)
            myCommonCbo.Add Item:=cbo
           ' Me.Controls("ComboBox" & i).List = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
        Next i
        ComboBoxEventEnabled = True
    End Sub
    Public Sub ComboboxChange(cbo As MSForms.ComboBox)
        If Not ComboBoxEventEnabled Then Exit Sub
        ComboBoxEventEnabled = False
        Dim index As Long, r As Long, c As Long
        Dim myCbo As MSForms.ComboBox
        index = Replace(cbo.Name, "ComboBox", "")
        c = index Mod 10
        r = Int(index / 10) + 1
        If r = 7 Then Exit Sub
        index = ((r * 10) + c)
        Set myCbo = Me.Controls("ComboBox" & index)
        myCbo.Value = cbo.Value
        ComboBoxEventEnabled = True
    End Sub


    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents myCbo As MSForms.ComboBox
    Private mForm As FormComboGrid
    Private Sub myCbo_Change()
        mForm.ComboboxChange myCbo
    End Sub
    Public Sub Init(Form As FormComboGrid, cbo As MSForms.ComboBox)
        Set mForm = Form
        Set myCbo = cbo
    End Sub