Search code examples

How to tail multiple files in fluentd

I have setup fluentd logger and I am able to monitor a file by using fluentd tail input plugin. All the data is received by fluentd is later published to elasticsearch cluster. Below is the configuration file for fluentd:

  @type tail
  path /home/user/Documents/log_data.json
  format json
  tag myfile

<match *myfile*>
  @type elasticsearch
  user <username>
  password <password>
  index_name fluentd
  type_name fluentd

As you can see I am monitoring log_data.json file by using tail. I also have a file in the same directory log_user.json, I want to monitor it also and publish it logs to elasticsearch. To do this, I thought of creating another <source> & <match> with different tag but it started showing errors.

How can I monitor multiple files in fluentd and publish them to elasticsearch. I see when we start fluentd its worker is started. Is it possible to start multiple worker so that each one of them is monitoring different files, or any other way of doing it. Can anyone point me to some good links/tutorials.



  • You can use multiple source+match tags.

    Label can help you to bind them.

    Here an example:

      @label @mainstream
      @type tail /home/user/Documents/log_data.json
      format json
      tag myfile
    <label @mainstream>
      <match **>
        @type copy
          @type               elasticsearch
          host                elasticsearch
          port                9200
          logstash_format     true
          logstash_prefix     fluentd
          logstash_dateformat %Y%m%d
          include_tag_key     true
          type_name           access_log
          tag_key             @log_name
            flush_mode            interval
            flush_interval        1s
            retry_type            exponential_backoff
            flush_thread_count    2
            retry_forever         true
            retry_max_interval    30
            chunk_limit_size      2M
            queue_limit_length    8
            overflow_action       block