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How to pass args to JVM which runs tests with Gradle?

I am a Gradle rookie and I am not sure whether Gradle will start the new JVM when it runs the test set.

Like Passing JVM arguments to Gradle test task I want to pass some parameters to the JVM running the test set.

I added the following lines to build.gradle:

test {
    groovy {
        jvmArgs '-agentpath:/usr/lib/' // add line
        srcDirs = ['src/test']
        if (!JavaVersion.current().isJava8Compatible()) {
            exclude '**/v8/*'
            exclude '**/vm8/*'
    resources {
        srcDirs = ['src/test-resources']

But it tells me:

A problem occurred evaluating root project 'groovy'.
Could not find method jvmArgs() for arguments[-agentpath:/usr/lib/] on source set 'test' of type org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultSourceSet. 

I googled this error but failed to solve it.


  • Try setting the jvmArgs of the enclosing test task rather than trying to set them on groovy.

    The error you are getting suggests that jvmArgs isn’t present on groovy.


    test {
        jvmArgs '-agentpath:/usr/lib/' // add line
        groovy {      
            srcDirs = ['src/test']

    This is just a guess as I don’t have a gradle setup handy on which to confirm but worth a try as jvmArgs is documented as a property for test:

    List<String> jvmArgs

    The extra arguments to use to launch the JVM for the process. Does not include system properties and the minimum/maximum heap size.

    Since jvmArgs is a list of String you can pass it multiple arguments, refer to:


      jvmArgs ["-Xarg1", "-Xarg2"]

    For "-Dprop=value" system properties use the systemProperties of the test task instead: