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Mockito + Spy: How to gather return values

I got a class using a factory for creating some object. In my unit test I would like to access the return value of the factory. Since the factory is directly passed to the class and no getter for the created object is provided I need to intercept returning the object from the factory.

RealFactory factory     = new RealFactory();
RealFactory spy         = spy(factory);
TestedClass testedClass = new TestedClass(factory);

// At this point I would like to get a reference to the object created
// and returned by the factory.

Is there a possibility to access the return value of the factory? Probably using the spy?
The only way I can see is to mock the factory create method.


  • First thing, you should be passing spy in as the constructor argument.

    That aside, here's how you could do it.

    public class ResultCaptor<T> implements Answer {
        private T result = null;
        public T getResult() {
            return result;
        public T answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
            result = (T) invocationOnMock.callRealMethod();
            return result;

    Intended usage:

    RealFactory factory     = new RealFactory();
    RealFactory spy         = spy(factory);
    TestedClass testedClass = new TestedClass(spy);
    // At this point I would like to get a reference to the object created
    // and returned by the factory.
    // let's capture the return values from spy.create()
    ResultCaptor<RealThing> resultCaptor = new ResultCaptor<>();
    // do something that will trigger a call to the factory
    // validate the return object