I appreciated that this question may be really daft, but I'm stumped.
I have a table from which a pivot table is created from. The base table is ostensibly a Testing schedule, I'm interested in 3 fields in my dashboard
In my dashboard I use a couple of measures to work out the number of cases that aren't passed 'cases remaining' and what that percent consists of 'remaining percent less passed'.
What I want is the 'Execution Priority' to always show all values - Critical, High, Medium and Low.
I'm really not sure how to do it, as 'Execution Priority' is just a standard column, it's not calculated. I've forced a '0' to appear in the rows when all cases are set to 'pass' using a '+0' on the end of the measure '=COUNTROWS(FILTER(Test_Schedule,Test_Schedule[Result] <> "Pass"))+0'
Any help?
You can achieve your result by using CUBEVALUE and CUBEMEMBER functions.
Less convinient than regular PivotTable but PivotTable will drop and/or add values that are added to the model, therefore you can't really achieve "static" dashboard using PivotTable.
What I suggest for your isuue: 1. in dax create 2 measures:
In Excel create following calls for the measures
I have named these cells as CountR and CountN
Create a PivotTable from the model containing only "Functional area" at rows
Create a Cubemembers for each of the following: "Critical,High,Medium,Low,etc..." like so (just change the highlighted Critical for each one in a group):
=IFERROR(CUBEMEMBER("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Table2].[Execution Priority].&[Critical]"),"Critical")
5.Create a function like this, this one should get you number of cases remaining: =IFERROR(CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel",CUBEMEMBER("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Table2].[Functional Area].&["&$F4&"]"),Crit,CountN),0)
=IFERROR(G4/CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel",CUBEMEMBER("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Table2].[Functional Area].&["&$F4&"]"),Crit,CountR),0)
You should end up with something like that:
Let me know if that helped