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How to create a unique value each time when ever I run the java-script code?

I am using Math.random to create a unique value. However , it looks like after some days , if i run the same script it produces the same value that created earlier.

Is there any way to create unique value every time when ever i run the script. Below is my code for the random method.

var RandomNo = function (Min,Max){
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (Max - Min + 1)) + Min;

module.exports = RandomNo;


  • The best way to achieve a unique value is to use Date() as milliseconds. This increasing time representation will never repeat.

    Do it this way:

    var RamdomNo = new Date().getTime();



    If you are bound to length restrictions, the solution above won't help you as repetition is predictable using an increasing number the shorter it gets.

    Then I'd suggest the following approach:

    // turn Integer into String. String length = 36
    function dec2string (dec) {
      return ('0' + dec.toString(36)).substr(-2);
    // generate a 20 * 2 characters long random string
    function generateId () {
      var arr = new Uint8Array(20);
      // return 5 characters of this string starting from position 8.
      // here one can increase the quality of randomness by varying
      // the position (currently static 8) by another random number <= 35
      return Array.from(arr, this.dec2string).join('').substr(8,5);
    // Test

    This pair of methods generates a 40 characters long random string consisting of letters and digits. Then you pick a sequence of 5 consecutive characters off it.