So I have this GSAP timeline, which should first animate the fade-in text, and onComplete it should trigger the Vivus.js constructor which it does. However, the SVG element is visible before the animation occurs which is not a desired effect. I have tried to manipulate it somehow but the issue is still here - what could I be missing..?
The desired effect would be to fade in while drawing itself..
Here's a pen:
function initialAnimation() {
var introText = $(".text-intro"),
tlIntro = new TimelineLite({ onComplete: introFadeIn });
tlIntro.from(introText, 1, { autoAlpha: 0 });
// Fade in and draw elements
function introFadeIn() {
var graphic1 = $(".graphic1");
tlIntrofadeIn = new TimelineLite({ onComplete: gr1Animate });
.from(graphic1Elem, 1, { autoAlpha: 0 });
function gr1Animate() {
new Vivus(
type: "delayed",
onReady: function(myVivus) { = "inherit";
function(obj) { = "visible";
I'm not familiar with Vivus, but GSAP has a tool (DrawSVGPlugin) that does the same thing (and much more) as a Club GreenSock benefit and it integrates seamlessly, so your 30-ish lines of code could be condensed to 3:
var introTL = new TimelineLite({delay:0.5});
introTL.from(".text-intro, #gr1 circle, #gr1 text", 1, {autoAlpha:0})
.from("#gr1 path", 2, {drawSVG:"0%", autoAlpha:0});
If you have any other questions, I'd encourage you to check out the GSAP forums at It's a fantastic community (not that Stack Overflow isn't - it's just that the GreenSock forums are totally dedicated to GSAP-related questions). Happy animating!