I'm trying to implement Functor
and various other category-theoretic concepts using C++ concepts, but am getting compile errors:
Here's my full code (I know that requiring fmap<int, int>
does not verify fmap
for any two types, and I plan to change it to fmap<int, std::string>
or something to achieve a slightly stronger test -- or instead, possibly alter the Functor
concept so that it takes in addition to F
, two types T
and U
and verifies the existence of fmap<T, U>
, but that's all after I figure out how to fix the error that I'm getting):
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// empty Functor_Impl struct - specialize for each functor
template<template<class> class F> struct Functor_Impl {};
// std::vector Functor implementation
struct Functor_Impl<std::vector> {
template<class T, class U>
static std::vector<U> fmap(std::vector<T> x, std::function<U(T)> f) {
std::vector<U> out;
for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
return out;
// Functor concept requires Functor_Impl<F> to have fmap
template<template<class> class F>
concept bool Functor = requires(F<int> x) {
{Functor_Impl<F>::template fmap<int, int>(x)} -> F<int>;
// Test function using constraint.
template<template<class> class F, class T>
requires Functor<F>
F<T> mult_by_2(F<T> a) {
return Functor_Impl<F>::template fmap<T, T>(a, [](T x) {
return x * 2;
int main() {
std::vector<int> x = {1, 2, 3};
std::vector<int> x2 = mult_by_2(x);
for (int i = 0; i < x2.size(); i++) {
std::cout << x2[i] << std::endl;
And the compile error:
lol@foldingmachinebox:~/p/website-editor$ g++ foo.cpp -std=c++17 -fconcepts -o foo
foo.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
foo.cpp:39:38: error: cannot call function ‘F<T> mult_by_2(F<T>) [with F = std::vector; T = int]’
std::vector<int> x2 = mult_by_2(x);
foo.cpp:31:6: note: constraints not satisfied
F<T> mult_by_2(F<T> a) {
foo.cpp:24:14: note: within ‘template<template<class> class F> concept const bool Functor<F> [with F = std::vector]’
concept bool Functor = requires(F<int> x) {
foo.cpp:24:14: note: with ‘std::vector<int> x’
foo.cpp:24:14: note: the required expression ‘Functor_Impl<F>::fmap<int, int>(x)’ would be ill-formed
I'm guessing that my syntax for the concept itself is wrong - that it's treating a variable as a function, or vice versa, since I'm not very familiar with the concept
syntax, and in addition some of the example code on cppreference.com
does not compile under GCC's implementation (e.g. concept EqualityComparable
does not compile, it must be changed to concept bool EqualityComparable
If I remove requires Functor<F>
from the mult_by_2
function declaration, then the code compiles and runs.
The problem is exactly what the error message says: Functor_Impl<F>::template fmap<int, int>(x)
is not a valid expression. Functor_Impl<std::vector>::fmap
has two parameters, not one.