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How to add a background color of a colormap in a folium map

I am working with folium maps created based on json files. I added a colormap using branca.colormap and I want to add a background color since the resulting colormap can have some colors with the map behind it and that will cause a visualization problem.

Can I add this colormap to a frame or just add a background color?


  • This is a rather hacky solution, but it works:

    Open the html-file generated by folium, by the function'map.html').

    Look for the line generating the leaflet-control, by searching for .append("svg")

    Insert this code snippet after it, making sure to get the variable name correct (i.e. copy the random generated id from the variable in your code)

        .attr("width", "100%")
        .attr("height", "100%")
        .attr("fill", "white")
        .attr("opacity", "0.8");

    You can also position the legend by changing the leaflet-control position attribute in the color_map_<random_generated_id>.legend variable. In my example I use L.control({position: 'bottomleft'});

    Image example