I am trying to divide 5 by 0.0005 using BigDecimal in Java in Android.
The result what I get is 1E+4 while i want to show 10000 as the result.
Right now what I am doing is :
BigDecimal aaaa = new BigDecimal("5");
BigDecimal bbbb = new BigDecimal("0.0005");
aaaa.divide( bbbb , new MathContext( 16, RoundingMode.DOWN) );
I want 16 digit precision with RoundingMode.DOWN
Scenerio 1 : Does not work as expected
aaaa = 5
bbbb = 0.0005
result => 1E+4
required => 10000
Scenerio 2 : Work as expected
aaaa = 100
bbbb = 3
result => 33.33333333333333
required => 33.33333333333333
Why there are different output format for both answers with exact same code. Is there a way to solve it?
It was simple. I got exactly what I want by using
This show output as I require without using DecimalFormat
5 / 0.0005 => 10000 (and not in exponential format as => 1E+4)
100 / 3 => 33.33333333333333