I wish to have my variables that are not from my constructor, part of my Parcelable. However, I face this warning "Propertly would not be serialize into a Parcel", that inform me I can't do that currently.
I am using Kotlin in experimental v.1.2.41.
How can I do ?
data class MyClass(private val myList: List<Stuff>) : Parcelable {
val average: List<DayStat> by lazy {
Do you want to make it a part of Parcelable
(just mark @Transient
) or to write it to the parcel?
In the second case the design document explains why this is a problem (search for "Properties with initializers declared in the class body") and laziness only makes the meaning less clear.
If you can live without laziness, you can do this:
data class MyClass (private val myList: List<Stuff>, val average: List<DayStat> = calculateAverage(myList)) : Parcelable {