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cucumber.js And is not a function

I am practicing in writing some unit test by BDD use cucmber.js. When I try to use 'And' statement. The error shows that

TypeError: And is not a function

Here is my code


Feature: dataTable
Scenario Outline: <a> + <b> + <c> = <answer>
  Given I had number <a>
    And I add another number <b>
  When I add with <c>   
  Then I got answer <answer>



  let ans = 0;
  Given('I had number {int}', function(input){
    ans = input
  And('I add another number {int}',function(input){
    ans += input
  When('I add with {int}',function(input){
    ans += input
  Then('I got answer {int}', function(input){

and the error message is like below:

TypeError: Add is not a function
    at ...  // my file location
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! test_cucumber@1.0.0 cucumber: `cucumber.js ./test/e2e/Features -r ./test/e2e/StepDefinition`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the test_cucumber@1.0.0 cucumber script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/lab1321_mac_air/.npm/_logs/2018-01-04T08_15_28_568Z-debug.log

I wonder if I wrote something wrong. Thanks!


  • And and But are syntactical sugar for the feature file - in other words, they are aliases for Given, When and Then.

    When you are defining the step, you should use Given, When and Then to describe what the step is trying to achieve (a prerequisite, an action or an outcome), and then if you have more than one prerequisite, action or outcome, use And or But in your feature file only.