As google mentioned in "Discontinuing support for JSON-RPC and Global HTTP Batch Endpoints", Google API Client Libraries have been regenerated to no longer make requests to the global HTTP batch endpoint.
I am currently using the Google API Client Libraries for Java(v1.20.0) to create/modify/remove users and to grant/revoke roles to GSuite via Google Admin SDK and Batch.
I searched for the latest version on Github, but there was no new release after publishment of this article.
I'd like to know whether the latest version on Github (v1.23.0) includes the update in endpoint? (which means I can just simply update to v1.23.0 and use it instead of the current version I am using).
In fact, yes, the update to API specific URLs was in v1.23.0. Make sure to update your google-api-services-* library versions too.