I am working with React 16.3.2, Redux 4 and Dexie 2.0.3.
when I am going to store data second time it throws this error message.
Error: ConstraintError: Key already exists in the object store.
return dispatch => {
.then (function(id){
.catch (function (error) {
console.log("Error: " + error);
My Db schema:
const db = new Dexie('ReactReduxDexieJsCRUD');
db.version(1).stores({table:'++id,name,age,bloodGroup,donateBefore,weight' });
The first time it stores date well but after it gives the error.
How does your schema look like? (the part db.version(x).stores({...}) ?
The most common is to have inbound primary key, example:
table: 'id, idx1, idx2...'
Here id
is the primary key.
db.table.add({id: 1, foo: 'bar'})
will add object with id 1.db.table.add({id: 1, foo: 'bar2'})
2nd time will fail because id 1 exists.db.table.put({id: 1, foo: 'bar2'})
will update object with id 1.So what do you really want to do? You say you want to add new object with new key. If so, I suppose the error is that you give the same key second time.
You can also let the id be generated by the db
table: '++id, idx1, idx2...'
Then you don't need to supply id in calls to add():
db.table.add({foo: 'bar'})
will add object with id 1.db.table.add({foo: 'barX'})
2nd time will add new obj with id 2